[ARISAEM] ORA Hydrogen Ball Shower Filter 3EA - Box o' Bliss

Box o' Bliss

[ARISAEM] ORA Hydrogen Ball Shower Filter 3EA

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*쿠프 마케팅(발행자): 1644-5093 (09:30~18:00/토,일 공휴일 제외/통화료 발생)

•It provides shower water that is helpful to skin health and beauty by causing a change in physical properties to mineral reduced water by the generation of hydrogen.
  • The filter is manufactured by combining a sediment filter with the functional block filter composed of natural mineral materials and activated carbon and by filling environment-friendly ceramic balls.
  • It provides safe shower water with the function of quickly setting, decomposing and removing hypochlorite (HOCl) by the remaining chlorine ingredients giving a stimulus to the skin.
  • It provides shower water that is helpful to skin health and beauty by causing a change in physical properties to mineral reduced water by the generation of hydrogen.


It generates useful alkaline reduced water.

1) For atopic skin, damaged hair, pruritus - Removing function of harmful chlorine penetrated into the skin
2) Preventing skin allergies, especially atopic skin
3) Hair protection, itching disease preventing effects
4) Moisturizing effect on dry skin (essence effect)
5) Antimicrobial and sterilizing effects


Alkaline reduced water and skin health

It washes out cleanly even cells deep inside sweat glands, sebaceous glands and hair root glands through which the skin respires, and has good effects on skin health and beauty as it has reducing power to recover damaged cells.
In particular, alkaline reduced water with no stimulation heightens immunity to the skin of babies.


Product name Reduction shower filter
Model name ORA WP-0067
Product size
Product composition Filter housing 1 / filter 3
Water purifying capacity
Filter life About 3~6 months
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