[ARISAEM]LOHAS Mineral Hydrogen Water Purification Port - Box o' Bliss

Box o' Bliss

[ARISAEM]LOHAS Mineral Hydrogen Water Purification Port

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*쿠프 마케팅(발행자): 1644-5093 (09:30~18:00/토,일 공휴일 제외/통화료 발생)

If you put mineral water, purified water or electrolytic ionized water in the pitcher, you can drink alkaline reduced water rich in hydrogen beneficial for your body at any time. Prouct name : Mineral Hydrogen Water Purification Port Product compositon : Constant filter 1ea, Hydrogen reduction stick 1ea, Reduction filter 1ea Model name : WP-2700 Water Purifying capacity : 1.5 liters Product size : W160 X H250 X D94mm Filter life : About 1year ( Constant filter About 3 months) Material : ABS/PP+PE Weight : 1.4kg

Alkaline reduced water, which is antioxidant water generated by the conversion of oxidizing power to reducing power, is water beneficial for the body that removes free radicals.

generates 'hydrogen' and 'mineral reduced water' with a water purification function

1. n case of using tap water or spring water

-the physical properties of the water are changed by the alkaline reduction stick and alka stone after it passes through the 1st water purification filter when you put the water in the pitcher opening the lid.(Drink the water after 20 minutes have elapsed when you use the pitcher for the first time.)

IN case of putting purified water or general bottled water in the pitcher

- It generates frinking water of increased alkalinity (pH) and strengthened antioxidant power by increasing minerals and by changing the purified or botted water to reduced water rich in hydrogen respec (Alkalinity -> maintaining more than pH8.0 ~ 8.5 in average/ Reducing power -> maintaining - 150mV ~-200mV in average)

In case of putting alkaline ionized water or hydrogen redrogen reduced water in the pitcher

-It always provides water beneficial for the body by preseving the duration of the functional water changed the electrolysis method.

In case for hydrogen water rich in minerals

-It is safe because it is impossible for bacteria to inhabit the water due to high antioxidant power, and makes it possible to always preserve clean and fresh water.

If you use the pitcher putting purified water or alkaline ionic water in it and keeping it in a refrigerator, you can always drink water safe from bacteria, healthy water beneficial for yous body and fresh water having a high feeling or refreshment.

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