Rhea GF Woman Padding Long Coat, Silk Padding(Silk cotton filling) - Box o' Bliss

Box o' Bliss

Rhea GF Woman Padding Long Coat, Silk Padding(Silk cotton filling)

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*쿠프 마케팅(발행자): 1644-5093 (09:30~18:00/토,일 공휴일 제외/통화료 발생)


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As a custom-made product, it takes 3 to 4 weeks for delivery.

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Rhea GF Woman Padding Long Coat,
Silk Padding(Silk cotton filling)
- Outer : 100% Silk, Eco Fur
- Inner : 100% Silk, Padding: Silk cotton filling
- Detail: metal zipper
specialized laundry
Model size (in picture)
- man height : 187cm / bust : 36inch / waist : 28inch / hips : 36inch / shoes : 280cm
- woman height : 178cm / bust : 34inch / waist : 24inch / hips : 34inch / shoes : 245cm
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