Farm & matzzang - Korea redginseng extract Stick Gift type - 13ml(0.46oz) X 30ea - Box o' Bliss

Box o' Bliss

Farm & matzzang - Korea redginseng extract Stick Gift type - 13ml(0.46oz) X 30ea

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{{ money_str_c2d(parent_product.price_curr * cart_item.qty) }}

({{ formatKRW(parent_product.price_curr_won * cart_item.qty) }})

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Available in Korea only

{{ parent_product['opt' + (idx + 1)] }}


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유의사항: {{ cart_item.product.gift_card_product.use_limit }}

주의사항: {{ cart_item.product.gift_card_product.use_note }}

*쿠프 마케팅(발행자): 1644-5093 (09:30~18:00/토,일 공휴일 제외/통화료 발생)

Food type : liquid tea


Ingredients : "Red ginseng extract (Korean solid 3%) 10%, Goryeo red-ginseng extract and sugar solution (Korean red ginseng 70%, fructose 25%, oligosaccharide 5%, solids 60% or more) 50%, plant mixture concentrate (solids 50%) 40%,  {jujube (Korean)11%, licorice, cinnamon, pueraria,  citrus unshiu markovich,Water}"

Expiration date : 3 year


Manufacturer : GS-TK Co.,LTD


How to store : Store in a cool location away from direct sunlight. After opening, intake quickly before the product gets spoiled.


Cooking instructions : Consume twice a day, one package at a time


Allergy information : If you are allergic or diathetic, intake after checking the ingredients.


Warnings : Do not give to children under the age of 12 months.

Take caution when taking other medicine (diabetes medication, anti-coagulant medication).


Other : Red ginseng is a functional material that can help improve systemic circulation by improving the immune system and memory, overcoming fatigue, and inhibiting oxidation and platelet aggregation.

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