CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g - Box o' Bliss

Box o' Bliss

CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g

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*쿠프 마케팅(발행자): 1644-5093 (09:30~18:00/토,일 공휴일 제외/통화료 발생)

CQMONG Nourishing Moisture Cream 

  • Dual Functional Cosmetics for Anti-wrinkle & Whitening
  • A total of 65 ingredients provide total skin care.
  • In particular, the main ingredients such as Triple Hyaluronic Acid, Adenosine, Vegetable Collagen, Niacinamide, Peptide, Glutathione, Madecassoside, Tranexamic Acid, Centella Asiatica Extract, Allantoin, etc. Make dry and dull skin full of vitality.
  • Long Persistence of Moisture & Brilliance
  • Natural Herbal Fragrance, Natural Herbal Fragrance
  • No Artificial Fragrance & Color
  • No Stickiness & Good Application
  • Directly Makeup available after use (Makeup works well.)
  • Produced by Kolmar Korea Co., Ltd.,the largest cosmetics manufacturer in Korea.

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare


KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare

KMALL24 CQMONG - Nourishing Moisture Cream 50g cream moisture nourishing cqmong K-beauty k-cosmetics skincare


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