Rice Pop 10ea (Vegetable 5ea + Fruit 5ea) - Box o' Bliss

bebefood korea

Rice Pop 10ea (Vegetable 5ea + Fruit 5ea)

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{{ option_product ? money_str_c2d(option_product.price_curr * cart_item.qty) : ' ' }}

{{ money_str_c2d(parent_product.price_curr * cart_item.qty) }}

({{ formatKRW(parent_product.price_curr_won * cart_item.qty) }})

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{{ parent_product['opt' + (idx + 1)] }}



Organically certified brown rice with a variety of Korean fruits and vegetables, it is an organic mild rice snack with a healthy taste of nature. We only used natural ingredients without adding salt, sugar, oil, etc. It's so soft and delicious that it's not only popular with children, but also with adults! We prepared this item with a mother's heart to feed her children only the best.

사용장소: {{ cart_item.product.gift_card_product.use_area }}

유의사항: {{ cart_item.product.gift_card_product.use_limit }}

주의사항: {{ cart_item.product.gift_card_product.use_note }}

*쿠프 마케팅(발행자): 1644-5093 (09:30~18:00/토,일 공휴일 제외/통화료 발생)

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